Blog Ted

Don Levy: A cinematic journey through visual effects. I saw this lecture to admire. In a normal, when I watched a movie, I didn’t mind about Computer Graphics and many Technologies of making movie. But I found that we can express everything something impossible or improbable! Also, first time directors made movie like; drawing techniques,…

Blog 9

D: Mike playing the game ignoring the task N: Jina saw that Mike playing the game. Jina: Hey Mike!! You should have finshed your homework. Mike: Let me just finish this. Jina: No do your homework right now!! Mike: Ok..Ok.. Don’t shout in my ear please.. I’ll do as soon as possible. Jina: I’ll check in an hour.

Blog 8

Mike going to buy clothes against winter.  And to make a phone call to Jina Mike: Hey Gina why don’t you go shopping for clothes together. Jina: But I don’t have much money. If I knew a cheaper clothes I wouldn’t worry about money Mike: Don’t worry.  It’s your birthday soon. I’ll buy you a gift for your…

Blog 7

Mike always want to pierced his ears but his mother don’t want pierced his ears. So mike secretly pierced the ears and go to home. Mother: Hey mike did you get your ears pierced? Mike: Yes, mom I got them pierced today. Mother: Why did you act without permission.                  It is possible to dye your hair. But I…

Blog 6

Mike and Kyle is planning to play baseketball. So Mike had called to Kyle, But he did not answer. Mike was worried about whether he would forget the promises. And call to Kyle again. Kyle: Hello. Mike I am going now. Mike: Why did not you answer my calls? I had called you many times….

Blog 5

Mike is assembling machine parts. And Gina come into the room. Gina: Oh Mike. What machine is that you are assembling now. Mike: Now that is what I assembling is digital camera. I will use this camera for taking nature photo. Gina: Then can you give me the opportunity to take photo? I have never took a camera to take…

Blog 4

About my best friend! My friend who is majoring in physical education. I will introduce about him!! I met him when I was in middle School. That time he was a cute student. Although his achievement is not good but he has good toughness. So I think that he will be a good friend to me!! And…


Mike and Gina decided to go to the museum. In the public galleries were painted works are on display. Mike: Wow! Look at the beautiful picture. I do not think the public is drawn. Gina: Haha. That picture is my grandmother was drawn. Mike: Really? Your grandmother have a talent for painting. Next time I want…

TV show

Mike and Gina  are choosing TV channels to sit on the couch. Mike: Do you know what you want to watch? Gina: I want to watch soap opera. Mike: Why do you want to watch? Gina: When I watch soap opera feel good and I think the mind to be relaxed. Mike: Oh.. I have never seen soap opera….

Baking cup cakes

In the after noisy school, Jina run into Mike. She has a bag of cookies on the right hand. Jina : Hello, Mike how are you? Mike :I’m fine. But I’m so hungry… Jina : What a pity. Then… Do you eat some my cookies? I’m captivated by my hobby, baking cookies. Mike: Thank you,but I’d…

About the movie project

1. How did you contribute to your group. I took a picture several times to perfome naturally as possible.   2. What did you learn from the experience It was difficulf to mach time with the group members so I felt that to get concessions in line with each other. 3. What was the most challenging part…

About the Basketball players

From when I was a kid favorite basketball. So I want to introduce basketball players who are vrey unique. There is basketball player who is the tallest player. His name is Manute Bol. He reaches 231cm tall. By contrast it introduces who is  the smallest players. His name is Muggsy Bogues. He not only 160cm tall. But he worked for…